
I want to make the songs as accessible as possible to everyone, but as you will understand I also need to protect my copyright and guard against any misuse of the songs. Use of the files on the songs page is subject to the following terms and conditions:

All Media

Copyright and ownership of the electronic performances, the arrangements and the songs they represent (both words and music) is held uniquely by Donald Carvel.

Audio and MIDI files

  • Files may be downloaded for private listening by the individual accessing the site free of charge or royalty.
  • Public performance (by any means) is subject to lawful restrictions, and appropriate notification and royalty payments to the relevant licensing authorities, in all jurisdictions. For churches (and related bodies or functions), this will most likely include notification to Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI).
  • Audio files may not be adapted or used as part of another composition.
  • MIDI files may be adapted for public performance in terms of style, instrumentation and tempo, provided that:
    • The relevant song is clearly identifiable as the original work by Donald Carvel.
    • The melody is not changed.
    • Any accompanying singing uses only the lyrics by Donald Carvel, in full, in the written order, and unchanged.
  • MIDI files may not be ‘cloned’ for use in compositions other than those on this site.


  • These may be downloaded free of charge for individual use, or for use in Christian worship (no more than 10 free copies per church) at services where there is no admission charge.
  • Aside from that, each downloaded and / or printed score is charged at £2 per copy of a complete song.
  • Please contact me at carvelmusic@btinternet.com to arrange payment before downloading or printing each song.